I'm Carrie, and I'm a nerd. 

I really like to learn. I also like making lists. 

As an integral thinker, I like the challenge of making connections between diverse fields of study. I look for ways to connect the ethereal with the practical. I find ways to bring my interests in design thinking, consciousness evolution, facilitation, social justice, and holistic healing to every project I work on. 

As an artist and maker, my work spans multiple disciplines including video, multimedia theater projects, book making, and quilting.

Transformative Life Coaching is an opportunity for discovery and a way to create openness to move into potential.

Executive Coaching is values based and goals focused. One-to-one and small-group guidance allows leaders to assess, reflect on and redirect both their leadership approaches and organizational structures for increased effectiveness.

Consulting provides outside perspective and expertise. This is important for refining processwork, method making, capacity building, structural intervention, and organizational support.

Everyday creativity is evidenced through making, thinking and planning. It is activated on the individual, group and societal level, and manifests in art, performance, facilitation, design, and the educational environment.

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